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They are not a tribute band, but it’s the original Skiantos band with the new vocalist. The band was founded at the end of 2003 by three members of Skiantos: bassist Massimo “MAX MAGNUS” Magnani, drummer Gianluca “LA MOLLA” Schiavon and guitarist Fabio “DANDY BESTIA” Testoni, co-founder (along with Freak Antony, deceased) and author of the music of all the Skiantos discography, (demented rock band, formed in Bologna in the mid-seventies. They were part of the first wave of Italian punk rock of which the city of Bologna, then very attached to the Movement of ’77, was the first and most fertile nerve center).

The new line-up plays on the vocal notes of Beppe Baracca, voice of the group and new member of the band. Their show consists almost entirely of Skiantos songs, with some international covers (Beatles, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and others). They have just returned from an evening at the Castello Sforzesco for the Estate Sforzesca event, where as Special Guest there was Omar Pedrini, who eventually proposed again.

Fabio Testoni – guitar and voice
Max Magnani – low
Gianluca Schiavon – drums
Beppe Baracca – voice and guitar