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Dj Schicchi – Davide Oniga

ARTIST PRESENTATION Davide Oniga, aka Dj Schicchi for a nickname given by friends since school, soon begins to fall in love with music. From the very tender he strums the piano at home as best he can and mom and dad immediately satisfy this great passion of his by enrolling him at the Milan Conservatory, […]

Dj Alex

Born as a DJ in 1996 under the pseudonym “Mr.Axe”, starting from a local Lombard broadcaster, “Radio Musica”, which broadcasts his mixed DJ sets built with his greatest passion, the much loved vinyls. In his Milan he becomes resident dj of the Fifteen and finally the welcome return for a night at the Old Fashon […]

Dj Corrado

Per diverse stagioni D.J. in alcune discoteche milanesi e non, tra cui “Rolling Stone” ed “Odissea 2001” . Speaker di spot pubblicitari e voice over per documentari televisivi ed inoltre voce ufficiale da anni di un servizio telematico del mensile “Quattroruote”. Testimonial di eventi, presentatore di convention per aziende italiane ed estere e produttore di […]